BMX Pro week two

When we arrived on Friday to see what they had learned, Dale Holmes came up to kc and me and said that John Michael had spoken to him that morning. He said that John Michael came up close to him, and in a soft voice said, “Dale, I think I’m ready to race.”

John Michael did great and was particularly proud that he had mastered the starting gate.

Little BMX Pro

John Michael is at the YMCA’s BMX Pro Camp this week. It is run by a local coach, Dale Holmes, who is a former BMX world champion.

John Michael says that this is the best camp he ever attended, which is a pretty high bar. He won an award for “Best Crash” yesterday after someone ran into his rear wheel while he was going around the “berm” (banked turn). The kid who crashed him had a creative excuse – “I had passed-out for like 3 seconds”!

John Michael is by far the youngest and smallest kid there, but he holds his own. I spoke with Dale today and he said he could be a good racer because most kids don’t pedal enough and John Michael probably pedals too much!

John Michael is scheduled to return in a couple of weeks.

Here are two videos.

Low perspective

High perspective