Scootering update

We are back to visiting the skate(scooter)park every day after school and, often, at least once on a weekend day.

John Michael remains dedicated to improving and he certainly is doing so. He will, generally, work on one trick for the 90 minutes of after school time we have. I thought I’d include a series of him learning the “Superman”. When he completes this, he will lift his scooter while he is in the air and grab the deck (he’s got this part down), push the scooter in front of him while he is flying forward, then land on the deck and continue on. Not easy.

One day a few weeks ago, a professional rider was there practicing one trick – amazing. Check out the photo and see the muscularity this involves. Then the video. The crowd went nuts when he successfully landed this. He was also great with the scooter kids. He talked to them and signed their scooters!

(Videos at the page bottom)

Chris Farris

Riding the berm


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