LAKE LANIER, JULY 31 and august 1

Our last two full days at the lake. We really spent most of our time in the water, either swimming near the dock or out on the boat and jet ski. The most daring of the kids had mastered the art of staying on the raft while the boat driver tried (at the kids request) to eject them at speed. It was a marvel and joy to see them hit a wake and fly three to four feet in the air, and land with smiles on their faces.

Billy and Katie joined us the previous night and added to the fun both days out. Katie was great to accommodate Kristen and her friend by accompanying them on the jet ski as the adult and going off for long periods of thrill and boy seeking.

At the last minute, we decided that kc and John Michael would squeeze into the cars and travel back to Bluffton so that she could see Kevin’s new house and John Michael could be with the cousins for the week they are with their dad for his birthday. Kevin had the pleasure of packing a rental Yukon with tons of stuff and seven kids for the drive. John Michael had a blast and experienced his first fine cuisine from a Mc Donalds drive through. kc squeezed into Angela’s car to drive back with Angela and Mary Pat. Billy and Katie drove me to Atlanta early Sunday morning for a flight back to San Diego.

All in all, another fantastic family vacation. Thank you, Mary Pat!

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