Tahoe Whitewater tours

After a week of Woodward parkour for John Michael and mountain bike rides for kc and Tim (photos and video coming), the three of us went whitewater rafting on the Truckee river with Tahoe Whitewater Tours.

We were in our own boat with Emily, our guide, but were in a group of seven other rafts. It was a very fun day with some long stretches of easy drifting on this cool water and then fun Class II rapids and three exhilarating Class III rapids. Three of the rafts following us overturned in the most challenging stretch and we did a bit of rescue work. No one was injured, but they got more excitement than most of them were ready for.

Emily kept us on the correct lines and John Michael did some great paddling to drive the raft forward.

The Truckee river is quite beautiful, flowing from Lake Tahoe to Pyramid Lake in Nevada. Emily told us that it is the second cleanest river in the U.S.

Here’s a short video from the trip

Here’s a gallery of photos from the tour photographer.

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