Zombie comp

On October 16, John Michael competed with his teammates in the Apex “Zombie Comp.”

There are three competitions at each Parkour “Comp”:
Skills, Speed, and Freestyle. John Michael only intended to enter the Freestyle competition, but decided on the day to do all three.

For Skills, there are numerous challenges designated, for each one completed successfully, a point is earned. Some are easy for kids, some are quite difficult.

In Speed, a course is made and each competitor is timed to successful completion of the course. Any slip on an individual obstacle and the competitor is disqualified. Two trials are allowed.

In Freestyle, each competitor creates a “line” which allows him or her to show their skills and style. It is judged by creativity, style and difficulty.

John Michael did great, particularly in the Freestyle competition.

Freestyle video:

Speed video:

And here are some photos from the morning:

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