Camp Lockett dirt track

On Saturday and Sunday, August 28&29, John Michael got his first dirt track experience. kc and I went Saturday and she took John Michael on Sunday. After a full day of experience (three sessions on track!), he seems to be off to a good start in Sunday’s grid-qualifying race.

Update, Sunday night

John Michael had a great weekend. He was in second place with 3 laps to go, but spun to the inside and finished fourth.

Here are some photos from Saturday

Here are a couple of short track-side videos

Here are onboard videos from the qualifying race and the final Saturday race.

Driver’s test at CalSpeed Karting

Because of his strong and continuing interest in developing as a competitive driver, we contacted a local company which provides driver coaching, kart preparation and mechanical support for John Michael.

We had a interview with the owner and coach, Josh Huff, and he said that despite John Michael’s experience, he needed to assess him himself, to see if he has what it takes to start this challenging commitment.

So, on Wednesday the 10th, we drove to CalSpeed Karting (where John Michael has already driven rental karts). Josh met us there with a competition kart that had been set-up (at a second meeting) for John Michael.

It was hotter than blue blazes there. John Michael had, I think, five sessions on track, four with Josh, either following or leading him. After each session, they’d download video and telemetry from the kart and review it in the Sprinter.

We returned to Josh’s shop today so that he could weigh John Michael and the kart he will be using and load weight to meet the minimum specified for the race class he will be doing. He also said that he wanted more weight on John Michael’s kart so that John Michael would find it more difficult to drive away from him!

Josh said to me, “After one session, I knew he would be able to race. After three, I knew he can be very good.”

So, Josh wants the driving coach who works with adults to meet John Michael and to give his input. We’ll do another coaching session in two weeks. John Michael will do another rental kart race next week and do some local dirt-track races in two weekends. Then, in September, Josh wants him to drive in his race class up at CalSpeed karting.

Should be fun!

Onboard videos

Videos from trackside